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Course: Math 147, Honors Calculus III
Time and Place: MTuWThF 9:00 - 9:50am
Instructors: Professor D. Katz and GTA Jake Weaver
Katz Office Hours: MWF 10-11am, Snow 501
E-mail: dlk53 AT ku dot edu
Course Description: In this course we will study multivariable calculus and vector calculus. By the former, we mean the study of differentiation and integration of functions of more than one variable. By the latter, we mean extending these notions further to vector valued functions (vector fields) with domains that are curves or surfaces in three-space. In particular, by the end of the semester we will have a good understanding of what it means to integrate a vector field along a curve or on a surface. Aside from its intrinsic beauty, vector calculus is extremely important in several sciences. Many of the fundamental theorems in the subject, e.g., the Divergence theorem, originated as general principles in physics and engineering.
Because this is an honors class, we will often cover the material in this course from a different perspective than it is covered in the non-honors version of this class. We will also present the material in a different order than it is presented in Math 127. The problems assigned for homework and quizzes are meant to be challenging in the sense that they will require a good understanding of the underlying ideas, not just a good understanding of how to manipulate the symbols.
Format: Professor Katz will lecture on MWF and GTA Jake Weaver will run the lab sessions meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays. During each lab session the class will work in groups on the worksheets handed out at the beginning of each session. The work done in the labs is an integral part of this course and you are expected to attend all lab sessions. Students will keep a math diary throughout the semester. In the diary you are to record a clean and precise write up of selected problems from the assigned worksheets. These diaries will be inspected every few weeks. You will also be asked on a weekly basis to find at least one challenging problem to work and record in the diary.
Aug 27, Aug 29, Sept 3, Sept 5, Sept 10, Sept 12, Sept 17, Sept 19, Sept 24, Sept 26, Oct 3, Oct 8, Oct 10, Oct 17, Oct 22, Oct 24, Oct 29 & 31, Nov 7, Nov 12, Nov 14, Nov 19, Nov 21, Nov 22,
Text: The lectures will not exactly follow any text, but all of the material covered in this course is contained in the two official texts for the course. These texts are freely available on line and can be found at the following links: Marsden and Weinstein, Open Stax Calculus 3
Optional Supplemental Text: Div, Grad, Curl and All That, by H.M. Schey
Daily Update: A daily summary of what was covered in the MWF lectures can be found here: Daily Update
Homework : Homework will be assigned throughout the week and will be posted on our course webpage and Canvas. Homework will not be turned in, but selected problems will appear on weekly quizzes. Daily practice is vital for mastery of the subject matter and your are strongly encouraged to work on the assigned problems, if not daily, as often as you can. Occasional homework problems will be assigned for your math diary. You are also encouraged to work with classmates on your homework assignments.
Check here for the weekly homework assignments: Math 147 Homework
Weekly Quizzes : We will have a ten to fifteen minute quiz every Tuesday, except during weeks when we have a midterm exam. The first quiz will be on Tuesday, September 3. In computing your final grade, the two lowest quiz scores will be dropped.
Quiz 1 solutions, Quiz 2 solutions, Quiz 3 solutions, Quiz 4 solutions, Quiz 5 solutions, Quiz 6 solutions, Quiz 7 solutions, Quiz 8 solutions, Quiz 9 solutions, Quiz 10 solutions, Quiz 11 solutions, Quiz 12 solutions
Midterm Exams : We will have midterm exams on October 1 and November 5. The midterm exams are from 5:50pm to 7:50 pm, and will take place in our classroom Snow 152.
Solutions to Exam 1 Review, Solutions to Exam 1
Solutions to Exam 2 Review, Solutions to Exam 2
Research Project: Students will turn in their research project on the day of the final exam.
Final Exam Date: Tuesday December 17, 4:30-7:00pm, in Snow Hall 152.
Final Exam Practice Problems, Final Exam Review Slides, Final Exam Practice Problems Solutions,
Course Grading: Your final grade in the course will be determined by your math diary, quiz, midterm and final exam grades. You may use your final exam score to replace your lowest midterm grade. All students must take the final exam. Occasional problems will be assigned for bonus points. Any points earned on bonus problems will be added to the course total. Students can also earn up to 50 bonus points by keeping a well written Math Diary consisting of selected problems from weekly worksheets.
Quizzes: 100 points (prorated)
Two midterm exams: 150 points each
Final Exam: 150 points
Total: 550 points
Grading Scale: A = 90-100%; B = 80-89%; C = 60-79%; D = 55-59%; F = 0-54%.
Best of luck in the course!
Students with disability
The KU Office of Disability Resources (DR) coordinates accommodations and services for all eligible students with disabilities. If you have a disability and wish to request accommodations and have not contacted DR, please do so as soon as possible. Their office is located in 22 Strong Hall; their phone number is 785-864-2620 (V/TTY). Information about their services can be found at www.disability.ku.edu. Please also contact me privately in regard to your needs in this course.
Policy on religious observances
Any student who has a conflict between the course schedule and a religous holiday
should contact the instructor as soon as possible.